Top Books to Inspire Today’s Kids to Save Tomorrow’s Earth

Kids can save the planet’s future, if they start thinking about the problems early in their development. Early introduction allows it to become second nature, but awareness can be nurtured at any age.

There are three common drivers of change:

  • Knowledge
  • Awareness
  • Passion

All of which are more easily instilled in children, and the younger, the better. The next step is action.

What we love most about the following books is they encourage and inspire children to appreciate, value and fight for the world we live in. They build awareness through both facts and fun activities, nurturing the empathy and ethics it takes to be irresistibly motivated to change the world.

Books to Inspire Today’s Kids to Save Tomorrow’s Earth

[DISCLOSURE: We may receive compensation for links to products on this website. The following books were provided by DK Canada.]

DK Find Out: Climate Change

Climate Change Book

DK’s Find Out series is outstanding and their Climate Change edition is no exception. It explains how humans have turned up the earth’s thermostat and the devastating, compounding effects rising temperatures have on the planet. Kids learn how they can take action to prevent further damage, through their own efforts and with climate activism. Inspiring people and events are featured to launch your environmental champion confidently into their mission.

How to Make a Better World by Keilly Swift

How to Make a Better World Book

If you want to improve the world, you have to start by practicing empathy, kindness and being a good citizen. From there, you can work your way up to activism, making your voice heard as you tackle social and environmental injustice. How to Make a Better World paints a realistic picture of responsible activism, while also introducing youth to public speaking and politics.

World in Danger by Frankie Morland

World in Danger Book Review

This sing-along book tells the story of an eight-year-old environmentalist, who writes a song in an effort to make a difference in the world. Kids learn about endangered animals and what they can do at home to help save the environment. World in Danger includes the musical score for piano or guitar accompaniment. Lessons learned through music can stay with kids for life!

Let’s Get Gardening

Let's Get Gardening Book

Let’s Get Gardening does a fantastic job at connecting several eco-friendly dots. The lessons are both academic and hands-on, teaching young gardeners about conservation, recycling, sustainability, local habitats, and helping beneficial wildlife like bees and ladybugs. The book is packed with a range of projects that extend beyond growing plants. Kids will plant seeds of knowledge as they grow food and create shelter for wildlife, recycling all the way.

The Bat Book by Charlotte Milner

The Bat book

Some animals have more of an ecological impact than others. The world’s 1300 types of bats are environmental multi-taskers, working hard to pollinate, plant seeds, and control insect populations. Kids will be captivated by their interesting appearance, habits and lifestyle as they read The Bat Book. Then, they’ll find out what has to be done to save them. Warning: You may find yourself happily building a bat house soon after reading this book!

How Does a Frog Grow

How Does a Frog Grow

This book brings back many memories of my childhood, gathering frog eggs and raising polliwogs. Your preschooler will learn much more about their life cycle than I knew back then, and they’ll find it every bit as interesting and memorable. How Does a Frog Grow shows even the youngest children what a delicate balance life is. They’re taken on a journey into the world of frogs, from the environment they need to thrive, to the difference between a frog and a toad.

The Book of Brilliant Bugs by Jess French

The Book of Brilliant Bugs

Insects, arachnids, worms, and mollusks creep through this book, leaving kids with a new appreciation for bugs and the role they play in a healthy ecosystem. Expert Jess French and illustrator Claire McElfatrick quickly enthrall young readers of The Book of Bugs with amazing facts about how bugs communicate, compete for food and find a mate. With their new appreciation for creepy-crawlies, children are then shown how to help bugs and their relatives survive to continue their work.

A is for Ant

A is for Ant Book

In A is for Ant, babies learn all about ants and the letter A, wrapped up in a charmingly-illustrated and fact-filled board book. It’s a great introduction to how fascinating insects can be.

B is for Bee by Charlotte Milner

B is for Bee

So much about bees relates to the earth and the humans who inhabit it. B is for Bee shows how bees have earned their busy reputation! Little ones can follow these adorable creatures as they pollinate and make sweet honey for us (and bears). Buzzing like bees will make everyone dissolve into fits of giggles. This sturdy board book will stand up to being read again and again, and it’s a good thing because it’s bound to be a favourite.

Under Your Feet by the Royal Horticultural Society

Under Your Feet book

Did you know that one handful of soil contains more organisms than there are people on Earth? We don’t think a lot about what goes on under our feet, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t critically important! Under Your Feet introduces children to life underground, from soil-dwelling creatures to fungus. The experiments bring the earth alive before their eyes, which has a lasting impact on how much they value the world beneath our feet.

The Wonders of Nature: A Treasury by Ben Hoare

Wonders of Nature Treasury

Your budding environmentalist will be intrigued by the stories behind the natural world in this big, beautiful book, The Wonders of Nature. Stunning images and accurate illustrations are displayed on the large pages, providing captivating backdrops for the fascinating facts. One hundred natural wonders await your child, including plants, animals and rocks.

What are your favourite books for young environmentalists? Please share your recommendations in the comments below!


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