Please send an email to business{at} for advertising/PR options, terms and rates. Please visit our Advertising and PR page for more information about banner advertising, product/book reviews, gift guides, contest sponsorship, company/product profiles, and other content-based options.
Be Our Guest
If you would like to write for us, please send your complete, exclusive article submission (not queries) to business{at} for consideration.
Please Note:
- We accept only exclusive, original articles written by the submitting author. We run various tests to prevent copyright infringement. Published content becomes the property of
- We are looking for top quality, accurate, information written from a Canadian perspective. We are not interested in self-promotion material, affiliate copy, or bot-generated/spinner articles.
- Clean, proofed copy is a must.
- Submissions must be 1000+ words.
- Author’s first & last name (byline) and bio must be provided.
- A “no follow” link is permitted in the author bio only (author’s website URL, e-mail, social media, etc) unless you arrange to pay for a sponsored post. Sponsored posts allow for one “no follow” link in the body of the article. Links must be natural (not spammy or misleading) and may not lead to a website containing illegal content, or content unsuitable for a general audience.
- Images must include copyright information.
- Please read through our blog to get a feel for the quality and tone of our posts, and to determine if a similar post has already been published.
- We do not guarantee publication, but you will be promptly notified of our decision.
We are obligated to comply with all disclosure guidelines as outlined by the FTC and Advertising Standards Canada. For search compliance, all live links will be HTML tagged “no follow”.
Invite Us Over
As time permits, we are honored to post as guests on established (PA 30+) blogs.
Please contact our Digital Editor in Chief, Melody McKinnon, with details about your blog and what type of articles you seek: MelodyM{at} For more information about Melody’s areas of expertise, please view the About Our Writer page.
Reprint Rights
Reprint rights for some of our blog posts may be available, starting at $25 CAD. We may also consider reprint/syndication if there is a considerable strategic advantage for us to do so. Please contact us at business{at} for details, including which article(s) you are interested in purchasing reprint rights for.
A Note About the Content on
Content on this website (all or in part) may NOT be used elsewhere without our expressed permission. We have zero tolerance for copyright infringement. Content theft will result in:
- Reporting to your website hosting company with a request that your website be removed for copyright infringement (which is banned by all hosts).
- Reporting to your ISP for illegal activity.
- Reporting to any affiliates advertised on your website (including Google Adsense, Amazon, etc.), virtually all of which prohibit advertising on websites in violation of copyright.
- Legal action
- Public notification of your theft to warn other website/blog owners.
Thank you for respecting the effort that we have put into our original content.