Eco & Green Living

Featured Product: Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint Canada

Featured Product: Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint Canada

Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint is a groundbreaking, eco-friendly alternative to traditional acrylic paints. It is made with plant-based resins and natural pigments, offering artists a non-toxic, sustainable option without compromising on performance.

How to Easily Remove Common Carpet Stains

How to Easily Remove Common Carpet Stains

By Sarah Dempsey Carpets are still very common in homes, and for good reason. They are soft and comfortable under the foot, they come in a range of colours and styles to suit every home, and they look great. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and your carpet can become stained due to spillages. Things such as […]

12 Tips to Cut Heating Bills

12 Tips to Cut Heating Bills

It comes as no surprise that the majority of Canada is cold for most of the year. There is no place in Canada where you can get away without heating your home for part of the year, even here in British Columbia. Reducing your heating bill by as little as 10% could save you hundreds […]