
Natural Flu Remedies and Prevention

Natural Flu Remedies and Prevention

It has been a bad year for the flu so far in Canada. Even those who received the flu shot are coming up short on defenses with new flu strains. Any natural defense we can use to boost our immune system will go a long way in preventing many days of misery, or even a […]

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

Allergies ruin Spring for many Canadians. While most people are excited to see grass, leaves and flowers, those of us with “Hay Fever” know they signal weeks of misery to come. Before you head to the drug store to stock up on allergy medication, you may want to try some natural alternatives.

Mix Seaweeds for Max Benefits (Infographic)

Mix Seaweeds for Max Benefits (Infographic)

Naturally-sourced, complete nutrients from whole food have been found to be much more beneficial to us than synthetic supplements.  Many people are discovering the amazing benefits of seaweed and algae as a complete, natural nutrition supplement for the whole family. I sneak it into everything you can imagine, from soup to spaghetti sauce.

6 Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power

6 Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power

There is no body part more taxed by today’s hectic lifestyle than the brain. We must have vast amounts of knowledge and be constantly learning. Everything has to be retained, recalled, processed, analyzed, and applied at lightening speed. Both the left and the right side of the brain are relentlessly called upon to perform at […]

Youth Suicide Study Reveals Triggers (Infographic)

Youth Suicide Study Reveals Triggers (Infographic)

Research into youth suicide in the UK has revealed key causes and risk factors that can help us save children, teens and young adults all over the world. Here in Canada, suicide is the second highest cause of death among 15-24 year olds, accounting for 24% of all deaths in this age group. The more […]

Low-Fat Substitutions for Butter (Infographic)

Low-Fat Substitutions for Butter (Infographic)

If you’re trying to eat healthier, these low-fat substitutions for butter will help cut the fat when you’re baking or frying!  We’ve included a handy infographic to keep and share.