
Natural Flu Remedies and Prevention

Natural Flu Remedies and Prevention

It has been a bad year for the flu so far in Canada. Even those who received the flu shot are coming up short on defenses with new flu strains. Any natural defense we can use to boost our immune system will go a long way in preventing many days of misery, or even a […]

Featured Product: Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint Canada

Featured Product: Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint Canada

Natural Acrylik Paint by Natural Earth Paint is a groundbreaking, eco-friendly alternative to traditional acrylic paints. It is made with plant-based resins and natural pigments, offering artists a non-toxic, sustainable option without compromising on performance.

6 Easy Berry Bushes for Your Canadian Garden

6 Easy Berry Bushes for Your Canadian Garden

Berry bushes bring nutritious sweetness into your edible landscape. There are suitable varieties for every size of yard or patio, from fence climbers to patio pots. They’re usually planted in Spring and grow almost anywhere in Canada, so you’ll often find them in garden centres this time of year.

The Best Ways to Repel or Kill Mosquitos

The Best Ways to Repel or Kill Mosquitos

Some places in Canada claim the mosquito is their national bird! They’re big and plentiful in these parts, always waiting to turn our outdoor events into a bloody feast and days of itchy misery. If that wasn’t bad enough, they’re known carriers of several diseases.

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

Allergies ruin Spring for many Canadians. While most people are excited to see grass, leaves and flowers, those of us with “Hay Fever” know they signal weeks of misery to come. Before you head to the drug store to stock up on allergy medication, you may want to try some natural alternatives.

What are the Health Benefits of Maple Syrup?

What are the Health Benefits of Maple Syrup?

Sap running is a very Canadian sign of Spring! Families visit their local sugar bush to learn about the process of making maple syrup, while children enjoy the taste of maple taffy and maple sugar candy. It may come as a surprise that such a sweet indulgence could be good for us, but it is.

Got the Winter Frizzies? 4 Chemical-Free Ways to Tame Frizzy Hair

Got the Winter Frizzies? 4 Chemical-Free Ways to Tame Frizzy Hair

Dry, heated air inside, rain & snow outside… it’s little wonder our hair can spend the winter in one big frizz ball. Most of us start looking around for solutions and there are plenty to try, but many use harsh chemicals that do more long-term harm than short-term good.

DIY: Make Your Own Natural, Chemical-Free Makeup!

DIY: Make Your Own Natural, Chemical-Free Makeup!

The world is embracing natural, earth-friendly food and other products. Makeup has been slowly joining the movement, but often the “natural” claims are dubious at best.  Minimal control and oversight is applied to the makeup industry, leaving the door open for dangerous chemicals to sneak their way onto your skin and into your body. Many […]

Natural Herbal Supplements for Diabetes

Natural Herbal Supplements for Diabetes

Most people have come to recognize the benefits of natural cures, including medical professionals. Herbal supplements have become more and more popular in recent years, as have the research behind their recommendation for specific conditions. With Type II Diabetes becoming an epidemic in North America, a lot of focus has been placed on the natural […]

Mix Seaweeds for Max Benefits (Infographic)

Mix Seaweeds for Max Benefits (Infographic)

Naturally-sourced, complete nutrients from whole food have been found to be much more beneficial to us than synthetic supplements.  Many people are discovering the amazing benefits of seaweed and algae as a complete, natural nutrition supplement for the whole family. I sneak it into everything you can imagine, from soup to spaghetti sauce.