
Doctor’s Tips For Back-to-School Anxiety + Canadian Cyberbullying

Doctor’s Tips For Back-to-School Anxiety + Canadian Cyberbullying

It isn’t uncommon for children to experience anxiety about going back to school. For example, some may feel nervous about starting school for the first time, attending a new school, acceptance, or bullying. Many issues, such as minor social anxiety, can be addressed at home without much difficulty. Higher levels of anxiety may be an […]

Food Preservation Guide – Getting Started

Food Preservation Guide – Getting Started

Welcome to our series on food preservation. It’s a five-part series of articles that will take you through all food preservation options, including freezing, fruit preserves, dehydrating, canning and pickling. We’ll include recipes too! This introduction summarizes your options, shows you where to find bulk produce at the best prices, and offers other helpful preservation […]

Clever Recipe Substitutions and Switches for Healthier Summer Eating

Clever Recipe Substitutions and Switches for Healthier Summer Eating

We love to indulge our tastebuds in the Summer and the heat leaves us with less energy to cook healthy meals.  That combination can set us up for one big diet fail.  These easy recipe substitutions and switches can prevent seasonal sabotage over the Summer and throughout the year.

The Very Best FREE Coupon Apps for Canadians

The Very Best FREE Coupon Apps for Canadians

Most Canadians want to save money when they can. Clipping print coupons is an effective way to do that, but you have to go through volumes of paper to find one you need, cut it out, carry it around with you, and then remember to use it during checkout before it expires. That’s a lot […]

5 Easy Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home Office

5 Easy Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home Office

We’re celebrating Clean Air Month with a few tips for improving air quality in your home office. We now spend more and more time working at home, on top of the time we spend indoors overall. In fact, the Vancouver Health Authority says Canadians spend an average of 90 percent of their time indoors. It […]

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

10 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

Allergies ruin Spring for many Canadians. While most people are excited to see grass, leaves and flowers, those of us with “Hay Fever” know they signal weeks of misery to come. Before you head to the drug store to stock up on allergy medication, you may want to try some natural alternatives.

Diabetic Buys and Tries 3 Leg-Foot Circulation Devices

Diabetic Buys and Tries 3 Leg-Foot Circulation Devices

As a diabetic, I know I have to be careful with my legs and feet. A lack of circulation, fluid retention (edema), and muscle weakness in my legs, along with numbness in my feet (diabetic peripheral neuropathy) sent me searching for solutions.

What are the Health Benefits of Maple Syrup?

What are the Health Benefits of Maple Syrup?

Sap running is a very Canadian sign of Spring! Families visit their local sugar bush to learn about the process of making maple syrup, while children enjoy the taste of maple taffy and maple sugar candy. It may come as a surprise that such a sweet indulgence could be good for us, but it is.

Got the Winter Frizzies? 4 Chemical-Free Ways to Tame Frizzy Hair

Got the Winter Frizzies? 4 Chemical-Free Ways to Tame Frizzy Hair

Dry, heated air inside, rain & snow outside… it’s little wonder our hair can spend the winter in one big frizz ball. Most of us start looking around for solutions and there are plenty to try, but many use harsh chemicals that do more long-term harm than short-term good.