It’s 3AM and you hear a hoarse whine from your child’s bedroom, “My throat hurts…”
Then, you spend the next half hour trying to find your thermometer, humidifier and any number of other necessities, without waking up the entire household.
From H1NI to COVID, families frequently deal with flu viruses. If you have a flu kit ready to go, you can focus on treating and comforting your family from the moment they begin to feel sick. Store everything together, where you can grab it quickly. An old diaper bag or carry-on bag will keep smaller items organized, but any bag will do the trick (just keep medication out of reach of children and pets).
How to Build a Family Flu Kit
Be prepared for any flu symptom by keeping the following items on hand.
Stomach Flu
Pick up a few extra buckets at the dollar store.
Dehydration is a real danger with the stomach flu. Have low-sugar electrolyte products on hand if the patient can keep them down. If not, see a doctor.
Medication does expire so you may want to keep only one around that covers a broad range of symptoms. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can purchase medication that targets your child’s specific symptoms.
Keep medicine measuring spoons in your flu kit, so you’re ready to treat at a moments notice.
A high temperature can be the most dangerous part of the flu for the young. It’s important that your home thermometer be accurate, so you know when to take action to lower it and see a doctor. Additionally, you’ll need to monitor the temperature without disturbing much-needed rest.
Flu Fact: A high temperature for a baby will differ from a child, which will differ from an adult.
What is the normal temperature for babies, children and adults?
- In babies and children, the average body temperature is 97.9°F (36.6°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).
- For adults, the average body temperature is 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).
- For seniors (65+), the average body temperature is lower than 98.6°F (36.2°C).
“In general, a reading that is 2°F (1.1°C) above your normal temperature is usually a sign of a fever,” states Healthline.
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Braun is the most trusted brand among Canadian shoppers and the top choice of pediatricians. Their Age Precision® technology makes it easy to analyze temperature according to the age of the patient.
The Braun® ThermoScan® 7 In-Ear Thermometer features a pre-warmed tip and provides accurate, precise results. The thermometer uses Braun’s Age Precision® technology to provide an accurate temperature reading, alerting you to dangerous fevers based on your child’s age.
The Braun® No Touch + Forehead Thermometer can become a trusted tool that gets plenty of use, even when your baby isn’t sick. Parents can get an accurate temperature from up to 5 cm away from the forehead, food or bathwater. It features a light-up display to quickly view the reading without turning on a light. This thermometer also uses Age Precision® technology. Practice ahead of time to ensure the most accurate reading when you need it.

Additionally, cooling patches are a wonderful alternative to constantly changing a cold cloth. BeKool gel patches cool for up to eight hours!
A humidifier is often recommended to loosen mucus, soothe the airway and deliver medication.
Flu Fact: Humidifiers can maintain the relative humidity level in a child’s room, which helps to reduce the survival of viruses in the air and on surfaces.
The Vicks® Cool Mist Humidifier keeps indoor air at a relative, controllable humidity level, which helps reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air at home. For additional relief, you can add Vicks® Vapo Pads (try menthol or a calming lavender scent). There are no filters required, plus it’s quiet and easy to clean.
HydraSense uses saline and aloe to clean and soothe the nose and sinuses. Both adult and baby options are available at most pharmacies.
If you want to get that crusty stuff off, disposable Boogie Wipes will make it easier.
Tissues with lotion are widely available and they truly make a difference with frequent wiping.
We all like to feel special when we’re ill. Add a positive twist to a miserable situation by storing the following items in your flu kit.
Add a special, soft blanket, to only be used when the child is ill. If you have more than one child, store one for each since the virus may spread through your entire household.
Special books that are only read to/by sick children, such as Katie Woo Has the Flu, by Fran Manushkin.
Prevent the Spread
It’s tough to prevent the spread of germs with kids in the household, but you can try! Keep a can of disinfectant spray and a container of alcohol-free, antibacterial hand wipes in your flu kit for easy cleanups.
Take Care
Caring for a sick family and watching our babies suffer can be overwhelming. A flu kit will allow you to provide the best care without adding disorganized stress to the situation.
When in doubt, see a doctor. We’re fortunate to have access to free health care in Canada, please don’t hesitate to use it if you’re worried.
What would you add to a flu kit? Please share your suggestions in the comments below.
Related Reading
Natural Flu Remedies and Prevention
8 Fun, New Kids’ Books That Inspire Health and Happiness
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Things have changed since I had young kids. Now there’s something for every symptom! Thanks for the baby gift ideas for my daughter…..I’ll be a gramma in a month or so. 🙂